Our finance and property insights together with lifestyle and design inspiration

Using your super fund to save for your first home

For most first home buyers, the property market can seem like a tough nut to crack. But today we'll look at a new super scheme that makes it a whole lot easier to save for a deposit.

Parents as guarantors: end your child’s first home mirage

They grow up so fast. One minute they're nagging you for a dollhouse, the next, it's for help buying a two bedroom unit in an up-and-coming suburb. If you always find it hard to say 'no' to your kids, here's how to say 'yes' the right way.

Get your ducks in a row: how to make a timely deposit

So you've finally found the property of your dreams and you can't stand the thought of someone else moving in? Don't let a payment oversight get in the way.
location investment property important

Location is crucial when buying investment property

The first thing most of us look at when selecting an investment…
MortgageDirect - Self Employed Solutions

Finding a home loan when you’re self-employed

Finding a home loan when you’re self-employed There are many…
garden balcony apartment living sanctury

The Essential Gardening Tools for Apartment Gardens

The essential apartment gardening tool kit: Indoor watering…
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